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Our Technology

The scientists of PPG Nutritional have the ability to take advantage of the most important advances in the different fields of science to develop medicines, smart foods, smart nutritional supplements and other therapeutic products with anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, anticancer actions. and nutrition, among others.


The novelty of our developments begins with the use of information stored in electronic "libraries" in which we find millions of molecules of natural origin that have previously studied medicinal and nutritional properties. These databases are essential to select one or several chemical structures present in plants, they are shown as candidates for our team of scientists to manage and develop a new empathetic system of computer tools that, based on the generation of patterns using intelligence artificial, as a final result of the analysis enables us to develop different intelligent pharmaceutical and nutritional compositions of great benefit to health.


These tools, acting in synergy, have the ability to streamline the processes for obtaining highly effective and safe medicines, nutraceuticals, smart foods and other therapeutic products at a lower cost than those currently developed and produced by our competitors. The sequence in the application of empathic intelligent systems that allow obtaining the product ranges is governed by the following steps:



Application of artificial intelligence systems to determine the relationship that exists between the chemical structure of the molecules (present in the stem cells of plants) with the biological actions concerning nutritional and pharmacological effects and the determination of the possible toxic actions that these molecules could exert on living organisms;


Deep 3D high-throughput reverse screening analysis of the selected molecules, through the use of artificial intelligence systems to verify and corroborate the possible biological actions previously determined through the modeling process that analyzes genomic interactions and correlations with the human proteome;


Deep 3D high-throughput direct screening analysis, using artificial intelligence systems, to determine the biological mechanisms by which the selected molecules act to slow down the aging process and to prevent, control or cure diseases , syndromes, alterations and have beneficial effects on nutrition;


The scientists of PPG Nutritional have the ability to take advantage of the most important advances in the different fields of science to develop medicines, smart foods, smart nutritional supplements and other therapeutic products with anti-aging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic, anticancer actions. and nutrition, among others.


The novelty of our developments begins with the use of information stored in electronic "libraries" in which we find millions of molecules of natural origin that have previously studied medicinal and nutritional properties. These databases are essential to select one or several chemical structures present in plants, they are shown as candidates for our team of scientists to manage and develop a new empathetic system of computer tools that, based on the generation of patterns using intelligence artificial, as a final result of the analysis enables us to develop different intelligent pharmaceutical and nutritional compositions of great benefit to health.


The products developed by PPG Nutritional act and nourish from the inside and the outside, helping to revitalize and protect the body from exposure to environmental agents that weaken and accelerate the premature aging process of both the skin and the organs and tissues internal and the development of diseases, alterations and syndromes. The active principles selected, through the use of empathic artificial intelligence systems and corroborated in preclinical and clinical trials, are ingeniously combined to maintain the molecular integrity of DNA, RNA, proteins and lipids; for epigenetic modulation of genetic material affected by external factors, bad dietary habits and lifestyles; for the modulation of the preservation of the integrity and quality of protein structures); to control inflammatory responses and cascades; for stress management; for the preservation of stem cell function and maintenance of cell metabolism. We anticipate that other active ingredients mimic calorie restriction processes and thus have a positive effect on the longevity process.

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